State needs to have a stronger new partner in Canberra

Australia needs a stronger government and Western Australia needs a stronger partner in Canberra.

Politics is about working together to get things done.

For the last three years we have seen who Scott Morrison chooses to work with. People like Barnaby Joyce, Clive Palmer and Craig Kelly.

We saw him work against Western Australians and against Mark McGowan.

Then there were the moments that Mr Morrison didn’t work at all, “I don’t hold a hose, mate”, “it’s not my job”, Hawaii.

We desperately need someone to roll their sleeves up and get to work for Australians.

Many Australians have worked the hardest they ever have. Nurses, police, fire and rescue services, hospitality staff, teachers, logistics workers and more.

We need a government that works as hard as the people they represent.

Anthony Albanese will work with premiers and chief ministers, whatever their political stripes, to get things done.

Because our country is more divided at a time when we should be coming together to build a better future.

A better, fairer economy with cheaper child care, more help for families to own a home, taking steps to increase wages, and investing in renewable energy.

A stronger relationship with our First Nations people by embracing the Uluru statement from the heart. A stronger public sector with less contracting and more secure work. A stronger relationship with local government.

Mr Albanese will show up and take responsibility for the big challenges we face.

He will take responsibility for bringing manufacturing back to Australia, take responsibility for skilling our kids for the jobs of the future, jobs in clean energy, with fee-free TAFE.

Mr Albanese will take responsibility for protecting and expanding Medicare.

Mr Morrison goes soft at the wrong time.

He’s hard against a pay rise for aged-care workers, but soft on multinational tax avoidance.

He’s hard against Robodebt victims, but soft against sports rorts.

Every West Australian saw what happened when Mr Morrison partnered with Clive Palmer in the High Court.

Then, a week ago, he went soft on his promise not to preference Mr Palmer, seeking to deceive Western Australians in the process.

Now Mr Morrison’s Queensland preferences could help elect Mr Palmer to the Senate.

Every West Australian should be worried about what senator Palmer would demand when it comes to our GST, what dodgy deals might be done — be assured they won’t be dirt cheap.

Australia needs a smarter, stronger government to lead Australia’s response to falling wages, soaring prices, climate change and the aged-care crisis.

We need a government that will create a national anti-corruption commission with teeth.

The Scott Morrison-Barnaby Joyce Government is too weak to face these challenges.

A re-elected Morrison Government will be wedged between the east coast teal independents and the east coast National Party.

There will be no room for Western Australia’s priorities. That puts our health, our GST and our infrastructure funding at risk.

Western Australia needs a partner we can trust, and WA can’t trust Mr Morrison’s Liberals.

This opinion piece was originally published in The West Australian on Friday, 13 May 2022.

Patrick Gorman is the Federal MP for Perth and shadow assistant minister for Western Australia

Dylan Caporn